Welcome to WLSC

Sign up for Spring Soccer!
Registration Closes 3/22 at 8pm
Preseason Preparations
Now that you're registered and are awaiting a call from your volunteer coach, you might be wondering what you should be doing to get ready for the season.Over the next several weeks you should have your child begin to work with the ball daily. It's a great idea to practice foot skills for 15-20 minutes per day. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes!There are many videos on YouTube that you can use as guides. This is one that we've found to be very helpful.
Train at Home
This video and others you may find will likely go at a pace that is faster than your child can keep up with right now. Just remember that it's not completely about the amount of touches, but rather taking the time to complete the movements. If your child can only complete 25 touches in the time it takes for the instructor to do 100, just move onto the next move with the video.As your child progresses, he or she will continue increasing reps. Completing this video daily will give your child so much more confidence on the field once the season begins. Our goal at WLSC is for all of our players to develop their soccer skills, and that begins with their training away from the team. It's really important to get work in with the ball away from team practices.You should hear from a coach some time during the first week of April. Imagine how much more ready for the season your child will be if he or she has already done 21 days of foot skills before the first practice. The difference will amaze you!
All About WLSC
Washington Local Soccer Club has been in operation since 1996.

Washington Local Soccer Club originally began play in 1996 as a competitive travel team. We were a part of the Northwest Ohio Youth Soccer League, and played our home games at Erme Field.In 1999 a recreational division was added to the club. The travel team was renamed Glass City Soccer and became a separate club. The recreational organization took the name Washington Local Soccer Club and played all league games at Shoreland Field from 1999 until 2020. The park was closed following the 2020 season as the new Shoreland Elementary School was built on that site.Beginning in 2021, we returned to Erme Field until the Spring 2024 season. In June of 2024, Erme was closed to break ground on the new McGregor Elementary School.
A New Beginning
In the summer of 2024, we were tasked with finding yet another location to continue playing soccer. We were able to move just a couple of miles down the street from where it all began in 1999. We now play our games at the Suder Avenue fields.We are excited that we found a new home and can continue providing recreational soccer for the Washington Local community. We will remain at the Suder Avenue location for the 2025 soccer seasons.
Our focus at Washington Local Soccer Club is on teaching fundamental soccer skills while promoting teamwork and communication. This program gives kids a safe place to play and have fun!For those who aspire to play at a higher level, we work to help develop the skills necessary to advance to travel and high school soccer.
Our League
We serve the children of the Washington Local School District, as well as Point Place and Erie, Michigan. Our organization is made up of a dedicated team of volunteer administrators and coaches who put in hundreds of hours each season to ensure your child has a positive experience.We play in the Spring and Fall each year. Each season is made up of 6 games for each team that are played on Saturday mornings.

General Information
Thank You for considering Washington Local Soccer today.We look forward to working with you and your child/children to help them improve their soccer skills this season. Here is some additional information you'll want to know about us.
Each participant must be at least 5 years old prior to January 1st (Spring) or July 1st (Fall).
Each participant must be younger than 15 years old and not in high school prior to January 1st (Spring) or July 1st (Fall).
We are not directly affiliated with the Washington Local School District, which means all children are welcome to participate, regardless of where they live or attend school.
We do not charge an out-of-district fee for children outside of the Washington Local School District or surrounding neighborhoods.
We do our very best to make the teams as evenly matched as possible each season. Many volunteer hours go into registering players and assigning teams so that each participant has a high quality experience.
We have 4 divisions of play, based on player age. Please visit our Rules page to learn the unique guidelines for each individual division of play.
We have a concession stand on-site every Saturday morning. We sell snacks, drinks, and WLSC Spirit Wear. All of the profits go directly back into the club. You'll also be able to get general information about WLSC from our volunteers here.
We partner with Glass City Soccer to help your child advance to the next level. If your child shows signs of wanting to play beyond the recreational level, we can put you in touch with their coaching staff and move you toward the process of playing travel soccer.
We are a separate entity from the Glass City Soccer Club. All questions regarding their try-outs, fees, registration, or their process in general should be directed to the Glass City Soccer Coaching or Administrative Staff.
Become a Referee
Becoming a soccer referee is an enjoyable and rewarding way to participate in the sport beyond or in addition to your time as a player. As a referee for Washington Local Soccer, you will be paid for every match that you work.We are always looking for energetic and enthusiastic officials to enhance our game day experience. Our referees are generally high school or college aged players. If you would like to apply, please read the information below.

How to Apply
If you are interested in officiating games for us, please use the button below to complete our application. You do not need to be USSF certified in order to work matches for WLSC.
Our Referee Assigner, John Rybarczyk, will email or text you with further instructions once you have completed the application. Expect to hear from him approximately 3-4 weeks before the regular season is scheduled to begin.
Concussion Certification
Prior to working, you must complete a concussion certification course online. Please see the information below. John will give you instructions for how to submit your certificate to him.You CANNOT work games without this being completed under any circumstances.
In 2013, the State of Ohio passed a law that requires all coaches and officials associated with youth sports to take a concussion training course online. The course is free and takes about 30 minutes to complete. You will get a certificate at the end. Your certification is good for three years from the date of completion. We will need to have that on file prior to your first match. Click the top button at the bottom of the page to register for Concussion in Sports and complete your concussion course.
In-Season Forms
After your last game of the day, please take a few minutes to submit your scores from all your matches. Please do this before getting paid and leaving the field for the day.Following each game that you work, we ask that you fill out a short evaluation of each Head Coach. This is for your benefit. It helps us to monitor the sportsmanship and treatment of our officials.
Game Day Experience
All games will be played on the Suder Avenue Fields for the Spring 2025 season.The map for Spring will be updated during the week prior to the first game of the season.Here is a 360 view taken in August as the fields were being placed.
Our games will be played on the following Saturday mornings from 9am-2pm:
May 3rd
May 10th
May 17th
May 24th (Memorial Day Weekend)
May 31st
June 7th

The field map and parking information is listed below for the Suder Avenue Fields. We have a total of 88 parking spaces located inside the park, as well as 4 handicap spaces. There is NO parking along the road into the park, and no parking on the grass.There is overflow parking available at CrossPoint Community Church located on Onondaga Drive. You can then walk into the fields from there. Walk up Onondaga, take a left on Allendale, and then curve right on Dahlia. You'll see an open area (no gate) in the fencing. That is how you'll get into the park. It's about a 4 minute walk.This is right next to someone's house. Please be respectful of their property and don't walk through their front yard.If you are playing the 10:15 games, you should plan on parking in the church parking lot.You are also welcome to park on the neighborhood streets, but PLEASE do not park on anyone's grass or block driveways. Your best option will be to park at CrossPoint Community Church. There is plenty of parking there for everyone.

We have a concession stand on-site every Saturday morning. We sell a variety of snacks and drinks, and limited WLSC Spirit Wear. Our concessions are sold where it says Headquarters on the map.If using cash at the concession stand, we prefer $1, $5, and $10 bills unless your order is more. We also accept credit cards. Please do not try to buy a $1 snack with a $100 bill (yes, this has happened). We will not have change for that.The concession stand is a feature that we believe enhances the game day experience for everyone. It is entirely volunteer operated, with all of the proceeds going back into the club.We are always looking for energetic volunteers that would like to help in our operations. This is a great opportunity for high school students wanting to obtain volunteer hours!If you enjoy interacting with people, talking about soccer (or anything, really) and would like to help serve our community, please consider volunteering an hour or two of your time in our concession stand. For more information, please email Tom Barriger at [email protected] or click the button below to sign up for a shift.
It takes a lot of effort on a weekly basis to keep our fields in great condition. We ask that you do your part by making sure all trash is put in the containers around the complex and that you take your equipment with you when you leave.Remember, everyone is watching. In order to maintain a great relationship with the surrounding neighborhood, we need to ensure that we leave their park better than we found it each Saturday afternoon.
Become a Soccer Coach
Becoming a Volunteer Youth Soccer Coach is a rewarding way to help your child and their friends develop skills and form friendships.

You must be at least 18 years of age to be a Head Coach
You should have a good level of patience with young children
You should have a teacher's heart
You'll need to be available to plan and conduct 1-2 practices per week (you choose your practice schedule - dates, times, and locations)
You need to be available from 9am-2pm every Saturday during the season
You must pass a background check and complete an online concussion course prior to setting up your first practice of the season (concussion certificate is good for 3 years; background check is good for 1 year)
You will need a parent who has successfully passed a background check and concussion certification training if you are unable to coach your team for a game.
Background Check - You'll receive more information about this in your email once you've signed up to coach using the link in the next section.
Concussion Certification - In 2013, the State of Ohio passed a law that requires all coaches and officials associated with youth sports to take a concussion training course online. The course is free and takes about 30 minutes to complete. You will get a certificate at the end. Your certification is good for three years from the date of completion. Once you've completed this, be sure to send a copy of your certification to Tom at [email protected] so we have it on file. This is mandatory. Use the Concussion Course button at the bottom of this page to register and complete the course.
Volunteer to Coach
If you'd like to volunteer to coach this soccer season, please complete the form below. We really appreciate the help!We'll be in contact with you about next steps once player registration has completed for the season.
Advanced National Diploma Video Assessment - In this YouTube video, former Whitmer Boys Head Soccer Coach Bartley J. Lydy II demonstrates some drills and coaching techniques that you can use in your practice sessions.
Soccer101 - If you are a registered coach, check your email for information about this training program.
In-Season Forms
Coaches, please use the top button below to submit your Team Name for the upcoming season. This will be included on the game scheduled.Throughout the season, we would like all of our coaches to report their scores (U-11 and U-14 only) and evaluate referees (all divisions). This helps ensure our statistics are accurate and that we can better train our referees throughout the season.
What They're Saying
Would you like to share your thoughts about your experiences within WLSC?You can use the form below to share your thoughts as either a current or former parent, player, or coach within our soccer club.

Email received from Candace on 4/11/2024"Our Family LOVES WLSC!Both of our teen sons played with WLSC at an early age both starting in the Pre-K group. They still stay in touch with friends made through WLSC over the years. As parents, we had the opportunity to coach at the Pre-K and U10 level. It was so much fun, as well as rewarding.As this is a RECREATIONAL league most of the coaches our sons have had focused on TEAM WORK, SPORTSMANSHIP, and FUN, which is how it should be. WLSC can definitely prepare kids for travel, high school, and beyond as well. Our oldest played travel and high school soccer, but had the most joy (WIN or LOSE) by far, playing for WLSC!"
Email received from Harley, a current WLSC referee, on 4/11/2024"I love the league and I’ve played in it since I was 5 or so all the way until high school and would 100% recommend it to others."
Submit Your Story
Player Registrations
Player Registration opened on Saturday, February 15thWe are excited to announce that Spring soccer is on its way!Player registrations will remain open from February 15th through March 22nd.Our registration form is a Google Sheets document that you'll complete online and email back to us. There is a link below the picture that you'll click to access our registration form.You can pay your league fees either by sending a check or paying by credit card online. The link to pay by credit card is on the registration form and listed below.

Complete Your Registration TodayThe only way to guarantee your child's place in our league is to send by email your completed registration by March 22nd. If you're requesting a specific coach, we recommend getting your forms in early. Requests are filled on a first come, first served basis.Use the button below to access our player registration form. Prior to clicking the link, you will need to be logged into your free Google account in order to make a copy of the form and complete the registration.
When you click the button above, you will be asked to make a copy of the form. You will need to do that in order to begin. The form will then save to your Google account, and you'll be able to edit and save the document.You'll complete one form for each participant that you are registering. It's easiest to complete the form once, then copy that form, so information such as address and parental consent copies to your additional forms.Important Note: We have found that it is easier to fill out this form on a desktop/laptop or tablet as opposed to using your phone, so please do that. Some people reported getting errors with the form when using their phone to complete registrations last season.
Pay Your Fees OnlineRegardless of which registration form you use (we prefer the fillable link above), you have the option to pay your fees online. You'll want to do this after completing your registration forms, but immediately before submitting your registration forms. The reason you'll do it in this order is because you'll need your Transaction ID Number from the payment confirmation to enter onto the registration form.You can pay all league fees for all of your children in one transaction. Once you receive your confirmation, you'll enter the last 4 digits on Line 27 of each of your registration forms. If you're paying by check, be sure to enter your check number on Line 27.Please use the buttons below to pay your soccer fees today. You will be directed to our Simple Swipe page for payment processing. This link is also found on Line 21 of the registration form.
If you’re paying by check or don’t have e-mail and need to mail your registration, please visit the Pay by Check button for our mailing address.
Submit Your Registration by EmailOnce you've completed your registration forms, paid online or by check, and marked your payment method, please attach them in an email and send them to the email address at the bottom of the registration form.To save each form as a PDF to attach, click the File button in the upper left corner and select Download > PDF from the dropdown menu. You'll be taken to a print preview screen with a blue Export button. Click that to save your registration as a PDF. It should now be located on your device in the Downloads folder.Please rename each registration form prior to attaching to an email. We recommend using the last 4 of your Transaction ID or your Check Number and the players first initial and last name. Something like 4126-CSmith-Spring-2025. It helps us match the form to your payment.Please note: Due to the high volume of registrations we expect to receive, we will not be confirming that your registration was received. As long as you didn’t get a bounce back, you can be confident that your registration e-mail was received.Please watch this 1 minute slide show. It will take you through all the steps of a successful registration.
The Registration Period ends on Saturday, March 15th March 22ndYour registration forms must be received by March 22nd in order for your child to participate in Washington Local Soccer Club this season.Please do not wait until the last minute to send in your registration form.It takes a considerable amount of time to put teams together, create schedules, and order uniforms. For that reason, we will not accept late registrations. The only exception is if a certain age group still needs to be filled after the deadline.The season will begin on Saturday, May 3rd and end on Saturday, June 7th.
PDF OptionIf you do not have a free Google account (Gmail, YouTube, etc) and are not willing to sign up for one, you can use our PDF registration form. Please be sure to write legibly when completing this form.When sending this form to the email address listed at the bottom, you only need to attach the first page, which is the Registration form, as long as all agreements boxes are checked.
Game Schedules
Spring 2025 Game Schedules will be published here on Saturday, April 12th at 2pm.
The season will begin on Saturday, May 3rd.

Reschedule Process
We get it. Sometimes unexpected events happen and for one reason or another, you aren't able to field a team for your scheduled game. When that happens, you are welcome to work with the opposing team's coach to reschedule your game.Please keep in mind when considering reschedules that this league is for the kids, and they want to play on game day with the rest of the league. Reschedules aren't meant to be used if it's just the coach that is unavailable. If that is the case, please get a parent to volunteer to coach the game.If you won't have enough players available and need to reschedule, here are the steps you'll need to take.
To be eligible for a reschedule, a significant percentage of your team must be unavailable for the game (like if you will be down to 1 sub, none at all, or short-handed).
You will need to work out an agreed upon date and time for the reschedule with the opposing team's coach. Keep in mind this is a request...they do not have to agree to a reschedule.
You need to give the opposing team as well as league administration a 2-week notice so everyone involved can accommodate the changed plans and we can secure field space and referees.
Once you've finalized all details of your reschedule with the opposing team's Head Coach, use the button below to submit your reschedule request.
Your reschedule is not complete until you get word that referees have been assigned to the game.
Fall 2024 Game Schedules
Your game schedule is listed below. Click the link for your division to see this season's schedule.
Please review the diagram below prior to heading to the fields. It is very important that no one is behind the goals during a game and that all spectators remain on the same side of the field, opposite of the teams.

How to Read the Scheduling Grid
You'll see a grid on your game schedule that shows both blue and white squares. This represents which team you'll be playing against, and which color your team should wear for each dated column.

Using the example above, if you play for Team 1 (Rockets), you'll wear blue on Sep 21st and play against Team 6 (Broncos). You'll notice that for the Broncos, the grid shows them wearing gold (white squares) and playing against the Rockets.This grid has nothing to do with what time you will play your game. For game times, be sure to look at the schedule of games below the grid.All of this information is listed in the schedule of games as well. The grid is a helpful visual reminder of what color your team will be wearing each week.
Entering Team Names
All coaches have received information for how to submit their team names. Game schedules will be revised one final time on Tuesday, September 17th to include everyone's team name.
Eliminating the Championships
For players and parents of our U-11 and U-14 divisions, you will notice a change from previous seasons. We will not be having a Championship Saturday this season.We will still award a championship, but instead of the last week being a playoff format, the league champion will be awarded based off of total points through the 6 games. Since we have less than 6 teams in both divisions, it makes more sense to play a round-robin format instead of a playoff in the final week.Especially in the U-14 division where there are 4 teams, we would have a 67% chance that each team would play one team once, while playing another 3 times with a playoff format. Keeping player experience in mind, we opted for the balanced scheduled where each team will play all others twice.For the U-11 division, while there are 5 teams, it's a complicated process to schedule a championship when there are double-headers involved. While we've done it successfully in the past, we felt that with smaller team numbers, this was the right time to remove the playoff format and award a league champion based on points instead of a playoff.
Online Store Closed

You have reached the placeholder for our merchandise store. This is where you can purchase official Washington Local Soccer Club sweatshirts and t-shirts.There is a cost associated with having our store open, so we close it during non-peak times.We will announce when the store reopens for the following season. Typically, we open our merchandise store during player registration periods.
Our Store is Open

You can now get your WLSC Spirit Wear for the upcoming soccer season!Use the link below to access our online merchandise and place your order. All orders will be available for pickup on Opening Day.
Laws of the Game
In soccer, the rules are officially called the Laws of the Game. In the youth game, many laws are modified to help with the development of younger players.Below, you'll find a simplified version of the Laws of the Game for each division within WLSC.You should familiarize yourself with our complete 10-page rules document as well. It is linked at the bottom of this page.

Our Divisions of Play
Before reading the laws, it's important to know what age groups are a part of each division of play in WLSC.Washington Local Soccer Club has 5 divisions of play this season. In the list below, the U stands for Under in soccer terms. This typically means that the player is that age or younger.When putting together teams, we go first by grade level and then by age. The ages below are rough guidelines for each division.
U-5: Pre-Kindergarten
U-7: Kindergarten & First Graders
U-9: 2nd and 3rd Graders
U-11: 4th and 5th Graders
U-14: 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders
U-5 (4-5 years old)
Field: Approximately 80' long x 60' wide
Ball: Size 3
Goals: 4' high x 6' wide
Players: 4 v 4 ( no goalie)
Duration: 4 - 8 minute quarters
Free Kicks: All restarts are indirect
U-7 (5-7 years old)
Field: Approximately 100' long x 75' wide
Ball: Size 4
Goals: 6' high x 12' wide
Players: 7 v 7 (6+1 goalie)
Duration: 4 - 10 minute quarters
Free Kicks: All restarts are indirect
U-9 (7-9 years old)
Field: Approximately 120' long x 100' wide
Ball: Size 4
Goals: 6' high x 12' wide
Players: 7 v 7 (6+1 goalie)
Duration: 4 - 12 minute quarters
Free Kicks: All restarts are indirect
U-11 (9-11 years old)
Field: Approximately 150' long x 90' wide
Ball: Size 4
Goals: 6' high x 12' wide
Players: 9 v 9 (8+1 goalie)
Duration: 2 - 25 minute halves
Free Kicks: USSF Rules apply, including Penalty Kicks
U-14 (11-14 years old)
Field: Approximately 210' long x 135' wide
Ball: Size 5
Goals: 8' high x 24' wide
Players: 11 v 11 (10+1 goalie)
Duration: 2 - 30 minute halves
Free Kicks: USSF Rules apply, including Penalty Kicks
Spring Soccer is Coming Soon
Player Registration will open for the Spring 2025 season on Saturday, February 15th at 10am.
Please look through all the pages of our website in the meantime to get familiar with our league. There is a lot of information here that will likely answer any questions you may have.Beginning on February 15th, please click the Registration link at the top of the home page to access this season's Player Registration Form.

Glass City Soccer Wins Erme Finale
Congratulations to the Glass City Soccer U12 girls for winning the Spring 2024 League Championship with an undefeated record of 7-0-1.

They had the honor of closing Erme Field, playing in the park's very last match. They sent Erme Field out in style, claiming a 2-0 victory over Maumee Express on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.Congratulations girls on a fantastic season! We're all so proud of you!!
Want to play for Glass City?
Glass City Soccer is our travel soccer club affiliate. If you would like more information about their organization, please visit their Facebook page.The image below was their tryout announcement for the 2024-2025 season. Typically, tryouts for travel soccer happen once per year in either May or June. If you're thinking of moving up to the next level of competition, plan on attending tryouts in June of 2025.

Pay by Check
If you would prefer to pay your league fees by check instead of credit card, please make checks payable to Washington Local Soccer Club and send the address below.Washington Local Soccer Club
3125 Shoreland Ave
Toledo, OH 43611Please write on the Memo line who the payment is for so we can match it to the registration form. Please also include your Check # in cell J27 (underlined) so we can easily match it to your form when the check is received.We still need you to send your registration form(s) by email if you decide to pay by check. If you want to include a paper copy of the form with your check, that’s fine, but we do need the form emailed as well so all of our registration forms are digital for when we assign teams.
Team & Individual Pictures
We are thrilled to announce that we have contracted with Kandidly Krystle, LLC for the upcoming season to take team pictures. She is a Washington Local Soccer Club parent and is excited to take photos of your children this Spring.More information will be coming soon regarding picture packages, as well as session dates and times.